The eruption of senior year
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The eruption of senior year
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This is important to me because weight lifting is important when it comes to playing baseball. Even know Covid-19 had hit us and closed down the gym, my friend and I were determined to stay as strong as possible so when we got back to playing we weren't behind anybody. With that being said, we made a squat rack out of wood and used it multiple times a week. We also made a deadlift platform that took us about a week to make and used that a bunch as well.
This is a photo of my neighbor and I, while working out at my house. One thing we had to do while we were in quarantine was find a way to lift weights while the gym was closed.
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Health & Wellness
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This item was submitted on April 25, 2022 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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