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A little story from the lockdown By Berthold von Kamptz (2020, Hamburg, Germany)

Before the corona period:

Once upon a time there were ten little tenants. They lived in an apartment building near Charlesburg near Castle Newman Street in Atlanta, which was managed by the strict landlord Johann Hermann, a real estate agent and philistine, and his son Rudolf, an often rebellious son and sound engineer who owned a small music studio. The ten tenants lived in the red brick apartment building and not always harmoniously. But as long as they avoided each other and did not know each other well, it worked out reasonably well. Either they were too busy with their work, their relationship, family and other obligations, so that in this often stressful time before the corona pandemic there was hardly any time. Only Grandma Leni asked how Mr. Lemke, Mr. Schmitz, Mr. Weidmann or Mr. Ehlert were doing. Because she was a pensioner, was curious, interested in other people and had time. Otherwise - if you were honest - almost no one was interested in anyone else. Everyone had their own life, something to do with themselves. Most people left the apartment in the morning and then disappeared into the grey mass. And Grandma Leni thought: "My contacts in the building are only superficial. How I hate that." Tenant No. 1: The former humorous gallery owner Jochen Schmitz from Switzerland lived in the basement. He represented many young artists, had sales skills, good taste and often cracked jokes. And what artists he had! Neo-expressionists, conceptual artists, pop artists and cubists. What exhibitions he did. Nobody would have thought of that before! Tenant No. 2: And now we come to Grandma Leni. She lived on the left on the ground floor. Her name was exactly Grandma Leni Saubermann. She always read a lot, knitted and lovingly looked after her two grandchildren, who often visited her, as did her daughter Ruth. At 85, Grandma Leni was fit. And many thought: "What more can she do." But her son Hugo, with whom she had little contact, thought: "She's old, just wait a bit and then she'll leave us." Tenant No. 3: On the right on the ground floor lived the artist Fritz Weidmann. He came from Europe. He always wore trousers with holes in them. He was not successful as an artist. The gallery owner down in the basement didn't want him. Schmitz said: "At 40, he's too old. His work leaves me cold." So Fritz drank a lot and was often drunk. And when he raged, you could hear it throughout the house. And many said: When will the landlord finally throw him out! Tenant No. 4: Upstairs on the second floor on the left lived the singer Daniel Lechler. He often wrote and sang his songs - sometimes even late at night. And that really annoyed the neighbors below and next to him. But that's how he was. Vain and completely gay, that's just how this singer was. He had a friend somewhere that nobody knew.And the neighbor Herbert Lemke in particular got upset and hated guys like Daniel. He had to get up at 5 a.m. because he was a baker! Tenant No. 5: And now we come to the baker Holger Lemke. He lived on the second floor to the right, opposite Lechler's apartment. Lemke was always upset and the only reason they didn't argue was because Mr. Lechler rarely met him in the dark stairwell. And Lemke hated people who were different - people like Lechler, because he was also politically extremely right-wing. Tenant No. 6: To make matters worse, a tenant named Gustav Ehlert lived above him on the third floor to the right. And he wasn't politically right-wing, but politically extremely left-wing. He had lots of left-wing websites with multiple links. And sometimes he was inclined to violence. And he always felt miserable when he heard the tenant Lemke running around the apartment. And heard the people he hated ranting. And one day he came up with a nasty plan. Tenant no. 7: And on the third floor to the left lived Ali with his wife and child. The family came from somewhere in the Middle East Europe - presumably. After the arguments with Holger Lemke, which were caused by both of them, he was protected by Gustav Ehlert, who lived opposite his apartment on the right. Whenever there were problems, he simply went over to Ehlert. Tenant no. 8: Above Ali on the fourth floor to the left lived old Knut Rückner, who was suffering from cancer. He was alone, depressed and addicted to medication. He had an uncertain future. But he did not want to end it because he was a fighter. Reason prevailed here. Tenant no. 9: On the fourth floor to the right opposite Knut Rückner lived Tim Rösler, who often argued with his wife Anna since he had recently been unfaithful. At this point, Anna could not yet decide whether she should forgive her husband and stay with him, or not forgive him and leave him completely. She had already taken another room in Woodberry City in Atlanta and only lived with her husband from time to time. At first he begged her to stay with him. But gradually he had had enough of her swearing, accusations, frustration and jealousy. And he thought: "If it doesn't stop, I'll kill her or leave her, then finally stop shouting!" Tenant No. 10: And in the attic lived the graphic artist Albert Eisenblätter, a graphic artist who had been left by his girlfriend and who either cried now and then, watched TV or masturbated in his attic apartment. He had messed up several relationships. This was now the fourth! The landlord Johann Hermann and his son Rudolf: They lived in a single-family house in Greenwood City (Atlanta). And the father-son relationship was not always easy. Johann Hermann had a lot to do with managing the property. Since Rudolf often didn't help much in the past, this sometimes caused the relationship to cool down.Because Rudolf had a job and a lot to do. And therefore often had little time for property management. He was a sound engineer, was involved in various small music productions - also in advertising - and also had a small recording studio, but what he earned was not enough to live well from it. He had also gambled in the casino, had too many women who often stole money from his pocket. At some point he was in debt, it was no longer possible, and there were discussions with his father. And then everything came out. And then his previous life was over. And so he promised to pull himself together. And also to do property management and earn some extra money. His father told him: "You have to change, because if you don't, it will tear the whole family apart." And so they did property management together and Rudolf pulled himself together after these incidents. And soon father and son got along well again. And his father encouraged him. Then suddenly Corona came... Then suddenly Corona came and changed everything. Like a huge monster, Corona swept across the whole world. And turned everything upside down. In America. In Europe. In Afrika.... During the lockdown, all shops closed. Hotels, sports clubs, concert halls, opera houses, bars, restaurants, hotels, clubs, brothels, cafes,... Only supermarkets, doctor's offices and pharmacies were open. The landlord Johann Hermann and his son Rudolf: They panicked. Johann immediately bought masks from the pharmacy. And Johann immediately sent his son to panic buy. And soon the cans were piling up in the basement. But there was almost no toilet paper anywhere! It was a lot of running around to at least get kitchen paper as a toilet paper substitute. Fortunately, Johann earned well and had fortunately saved a lot of money during the Corona period. That was enough for the time being. Rudolf was not so lucky. He lost his job as a musician because concerts were not allowed and contact restrictions necessarily applied and could no longer keep his head above water financially. So Johann helped his son and then he managed to make ends meet. As the number of people infected with Corona kept increasing, Johann and Rudolf stocked up on food in the basement and then stayed at home. They were afraid. And they told themselves: If they stayed at home, nothing would happen. When they turned their attention to the property management, they noticed something frightening: There were more and more arguments among the tenants, some had not paid. Everyone against everyone, nothing had been normal since the Corona crisis. And if it continued like this, chaos would break out. That had a lot to do with Corona, Corona acted as a problem amplifier, nerves were frayed and this led to more arguments. Also due to tight budgets. Johann often said: "But often it is not just Corona, but also the people themselves, who have not learned to show solidarity and deal with problems. Many were doing too well before the crisis,could have everything they wanted and now there is a lockdown. A lot of things are different. You can't blame everything on Corona." Victim number 1 was tenant number 10: graphic artist Albert Eisenblätter was the first to freak out. He couldn't handle the lockdown and the loneliness at all, he kept thinking about his ex-girlfriend and masturbated constantly. And he often drank too much alcohol to the point of almost fainting. He couldn't handle losing all his graphic design jobs at all. He could no longer pay the rent and so Johann Hermann and his son Rudolf sent him several reminders by letter. They wanted to throw him out if he could no longer pay the rent. Then one day during the lockdown he stopped responding to their reminders. Finally, Johann and Rudolf drove to his apartment and knocked on his door. But he didn't open it! He seemed to have disappeared off the face of the earth. Then Johann called the police and they broke down the door. Then they saw Albert Eisenblätter and the rope around his neck. He had hanged himself! There were only 9 tenants left in the house. Victim No. 2 was tenant No. 8: Knut Rückner could not cope at all with the fact that tenant Eisenblaetter had hanged himself above him. He was still battling with his cancer. He only made it to his doctor's office in great pain and with the risk of contracting the coronavirus. And he couldn't even get all of his medication from the pharmacy. He only got one pack of antidepressants. Then he was taken to hospital and died. Then there were only 8 left. Victim No. 3 was tenant No. 2: Grandma Leni Saubermann fell into depression. Her grandchildren could no longer visit her during the coronavirus lockdown because of the risk of infection. She became increasingly lonely and depressed. Finally, her daughter Ruth made sure that she went to a nursing home. But before that, she caught the coronavirus when she secretly met an old friend. So she ended up in a nursing home and died a little later of Covid-19. Then there were only 7 left. Victim No. 4 was tenant No. 3: Tenant Tim Rösner did not die. But the lockdown frustration and certain circumstances caused him to become angrier and angrier. And his anger was directed at the gallery owner down in the converted basement, who did not appreciate his art. How humiliated he felt! He had already earned little from his art before and then Corona came along, so that he could not pay his rent. Finally, at some point he went crazy and beat up the gallery owner and devastated his gallery. He was then taken away by the police and had to go to a psychiatric hospital. Then there were only 6 left. Victim No. 5 was tenant No. 1: The Corona crisis also made the gallery owner Jochen Schmitz feel bad. After being attacked by the artist Fritz, he became depressed and suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder. He could no longer pay the rent,had to move and rent other premises. Nobody knew for sure whether he went bankrupt. When he moved out there were only 5 left. Soon after, the apartment was rented out again. Victim No. 6 was tenant No. 9: After a short period of peace in the apartment building, Tim and his wife argued more and more. The arguments were often so violent that everyone in the house heard everything. Then one day he almost beat her to death. Then he had to go to prison. She barely survived and then moved out too. There were only 4 left. Victim No. 7 was tenant No. 7: Ali got it in the fall. He attacked Mr. Lemke, Mr. Lemke attacked him. Nobody knew exactly who started it. Since Corona, it got worse and worse. Mr. Ehlert, who lived to his left, wanted to help him wherever he could. Even the singer Daniel Lecher! When Ali left the house one day, he was knocked down by an unknown man wearing a mask. The police could not prove anything against Mr. Lemke. Maybe it wasn't him. Only Ehlert suspected that Mr. Lemke was behind it. Ali was taken to the hospital. His family then moved out of the apartment. Ali did recover. But as we later learned, Ali became infected with Corona through unfortunate circumstances. So Ali eventually died of Corona. Then there were only 3 left. Victims No. 8 and 9 were tenants No. 5 and No. 6: After Ali's attack and his entire family moved out, Lemke and Ehlert got into increasingly serious arguments. When they met by chance outside, a fight broke out. Later there was a stabbing and both killed each other. So there was only one left. Victim No. 10 was tenant No. 4: One day during the Corona crisis, singer Daniel Lechner learned that his friend had contracted Corona in May 2020. According to stories, he visited him. The latter then died suddenly. Daniel became depressed and drank more and more. Then one day during the corona crisis he fell from the first floor. He later died in hospital. It was inexplicable and incomprehensible. Then everyone left the house and then there were only 0. The landlord Johann Hermann and his son Rudolf: The fact that so much was happening in the apartment building frightened Johann Hermann and his son Rudolf. It was pure madness! That wasn't the case before the corona crisis! First bills piled up. Then there was the first major trouble. The unpleasant tenant Lemke wanted a lot of repairs to be done in the house. All of the electrical systems in the basement, the doorbell panel, lights in the entrance, pipe inspections in the basement, a new refrigerator and the heating in his apartment, which was supposedly making noises. Some of it was certainly necessary, others not. A lot of it was lies or made up. He wanted to have the whole house done ideally and then live cheaply! And he acted as a caretaker, threatening to inform the building authorities.Who was going to pay for all of this? And all of this during the lockdown and the Corona crisis that followed! A little later, an unknown person caused a riot in the house and damaged doors in the basement, the railing, the steps, and rubbish was scattered around the basement. Nobody knew who it was. Johann suspected that it was a frustrated tenant or a tenant who had gone crazy during the lockdown and who hated Johann and Rudolf. Probably the evil Lemke! Or Ehlert - he was also a suspect! But nothing could be proven if there were no witnesses. Because suspicions were not enough for the police. Then, a little later, there were serious conflicts between the tenants. There were the first deaths. First the tenant Eisenblätter, then the tenant Rückner.... Every time Rudolf heard of a tenant's death in the apartment building, his hands shook. Johann was also worried. "During the Corona crisis and the lockdown, many people are going crazy. Unfortunately. Everyone against everyone. At first, during the Corona crisis in March and April, solidarity was the order of the day. But the longer the Corona crisis lasts, the more aggressive many people become. The good people seem to be dwindling. In the past, the bad people lived at the expense of the good. If everyone becomes bad, then even the bad people will eventually be afraid and no longer want to live in such a world. A philosopher once said something similar," said Johann. It was an attempt to explain these strange occurrences. Because of all the problems in the house, they eventually got into financial difficulties. Then their son Rudolf had an accident during the second lockdown. He drove drunk into a tree and then died. A little later, their father Johann died of a heart attack from grief. Uncle Jochen Hermann was Johann's brother. He inherited the apartment building from his brother. Renovations were carried out and new tenants moved in. Everyone thought that Jochen Hermann had solved all the problems with the apartment building. But then another disaster happened later: the house was set on fire by a leftist, a friend of Ehlert. Several new tenants died and the house burned down almost completely. Only rubble towered into the sky like individual memorials. They were images like from a war. The conclusion: And the undertaker Walter had a lot to do. And he shamelessly exploited the grief. For example, he made a mourner pay him 3000 euros for an expensive coffin and instead of the expensive coffin he only took a cheap coffin for 300 euros. That's how he made a profit. And how good the business was! Lots of people died - like mayflies - of Corona or perished or killed themselves or each other. "I love the Grim Reaper as long as he doesn't find me. And if he's looking for me, I'll hide somewhere in the cemetery behind the gravestones. But the money is there. And when the money is there, a good woman isn't far away for me. Because money is power. To be honest, I never let anything burn.I already have a steady wife. I'm a Corona denier anyway. For me, the hysteria about Corona is exaggerated, the people who died of Corona had pre-existing conditions and would have died anyway. I don't care. Life is too short, I don't care about rules. I have my wife. What does the Bible say? It says: The man should give to the woman what is due to her, and the woman to the man in the same way. Do not deprive one another of it, so that Satan does not tempt you... A pastor once said to me who was transferred because of a scandal. Walter, like many others, lived by the motto: "Let us eat and drink, tomorrow we die." How wrong he was! Even in the wrong interpretation of the Bible. He became careless with his contacts, later no longer paid attention to keeping his distance and wearing a mask. Shortly afterwards, he contracted Corona while giving a blowjob to a strange woman. He died a short time later. And finally, one more gravestone adorned Atlantas' Greenwood cemetery and on it sat a black crow with very black eyes. And it cawed horribly. It almost sounded like: "When is the next one's turn? In the meantime, I'll look at the graves."


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This item was submitted on January 22, 2025 by Berthold von Kamptz using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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