My Quarantined Life
Title (Dublin Core)
My Quarantined Life
Description (Dublin Core)
This piece by Sydney Jones provides the reader with a glimpse into her daily life, and how the 2020 pandemic has changed her daily routines, habits, and inclinations. Sydney includes personal thoughts from her family and herself, including: the contracting economy, grocery store policies and panic-buying, her competitive role in sports and college, as well as many other changes that have occurred her local community. Sydney's story highlights many continuities and changes in her social and personal life. An important notion brought up throughout is Sydney's family "staying true" and strong during the pandemic. [added by curator]
The corona virus has effected many people. Fortunately for me no one that I know directly has been infected by the virus. However, this world consuming virus has changed many aspects of my life. It seems to be what everyone ever talks about. Some think we need to be in a bubble all the time and others feel that as long as we wash our hands and are smart about the way we live we will be fine. Some think that this virus is worse than the flu because of the drastic numbers while others think the flu is much worse. My father believes that the closing down of cities is ridiculous. He thinks that sending everyone home will ruin the economy. Which is something I guess makes sense to me as well. He agrees that the virus is a big deal but believes that media is "hyping it up". Oh and don't even get him started on the whole grocery thing. Today we are faced with many of our grocery stores running out of stock on basic goods–such as milk, eggs, bread, packaged meets, canned foods, toilet paper, paper towels and many other goods. As many other families believe we are about to go into an apocalypse, my family is staying true to our natural ruin as best as possible. We go to the grocery store when we need items not for storage. Traveling is very different right now. When going to an airport you see people wearing masks and gloves to protect themselves from each other. Flights that were once full are almost completely empty. Not to mention the fact that some flights are now less than $100.
The community today is always on edge. People who once embraced for a hug when meeting people now wave from a distance. One single cough has everyone around you backing away with dirty looks. Students are stuck inside for the first time, that I have ever seen. I tend to like puzzles and try to do them when I can. I recently ran out of puzzles to do in my house and went to buy another one. The shelves were nearly empty. Kids for the first time have run out of things to do and are picking up new activities that don't require wifi. I have seen more families in my neighborhood outside playing these past couple of weeks than I have since I moved here. Kids are finally getting bored of being inside and on technology and are wanting to be active. I have never wanted to be back at school more in my life than right now. I miss my everyday schedule, my friends, my teachers, and I miss being active. My water polo season was cancelled for my very first year in college. We were headed for great things this season. We had already broken more records than any other season before. We were planning on being in the top four for our conference. My senior D did get her eligibility to play another year. However, she is going on to her next step at graduate school. My team and I are sad to see her go but are so happy we got to play with her. This virus has done a lot of damage and I hope it comes to an end soon. I would love to go back to school and not live in quarantine.
The community today is always on edge. People who once embraced for a hug when meeting people now wave from a distance. One single cough has everyone around you backing away with dirty looks. Students are stuck inside for the first time, that I have ever seen. I tend to like puzzles and try to do them when I can. I recently ran out of puzzles to do in my house and went to buy another one. The shelves were nearly empty. Kids for the first time have run out of things to do and are picking up new activities that don't require wifi. I have seen more families in my neighborhood outside playing these past couple of weeks than I have since I moved here. Kids are finally getting bored of being inside and on technology and are wanting to be active. I have never wanted to be back at school more in my life than right now. I miss my everyday schedule, my friends, my teachers, and I miss being active. My water polo season was cancelled for my very first year in college. We were headed for great things this season. We had already broken more records than any other season before. We were planning on being in the top four for our conference. My senior D did get her eligibility to play another year. However, she is going on to her next step at graduate school. My team and I are sad to see her go but are so happy we got to play with her. This virus has done a lot of damage and I hope it comes to an end soon. I would love to go back to school and not live in quarantine.
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