Rainbow Series #8
Title (Dublin Core)
Rainbow Series #8
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#friendswhogive was started to teach my children that GIVING to others can be just as rewarding as receiving, especially at the Holiday time."- Denise Heckelman, Founder
#friendswhogive organized a "rainbow hunt" for kids. Families can post drawings of rainbows in their window and as children walk and bike ride around they can count how many rainbows they pass along the way.
#FordhamUniversity #VART3030 #RainbowSeries
#friendswhogive organized a "rainbow hunt" for kids. Families can post drawings of rainbows in their window and as children walk and bike ride around they can count how many rainbows they pass along the way.
#FordhamUniversity #VART3030 #RainbowSeries
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Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)
Contributor's Tags (a true folksonomy) (Friend of a Friend)
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