
My Story

Title (Dublin Core)

My Story

Description (Dublin Core)

A personal account of the pandemic.
March 2020 our lives changed.

We are a family of five. Four of us worked and three out of the four attended school. One of us just attended school. Everything stopped. It was almost like slamming on the breaks of your car. Schools closed. Online school for children isn't the same. My oldest son is a Senior this year. He is not missing out on all senior activities, prom and graduation. The disappointment in these kids eyes is heartbreaking. My hours have been cut to just 8 hours a week. I'm blessed to still be working, but wish it was full time. Walking into a closed hotel is so depressing. I find myself just staring off into space. I'm in shock all this is happening. I don't know anyone that has caught the virus. I do worry about my mom and in-laws so I am shopping for 3 different families. That is a challenge when you can only buy 1 of each item. I feel like I'm at the store almost every day. I'm not sure if the masks help as I find it hard to breathe with them on. My youngest child has asthma so it's hard for him when he needs to wear the mask. Yes I do try to keep him in the house, but every once in awhile he needs to go out. I feel the next few months will be interesting, I do have faith in God so am not as worried as most people are.

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