"Wash Yer Mitts, Lads" Sign
Title (Dublin Core)
"Wash Yer Mitts, Lads" Sign
Description (Dublin Core)
This photograph was taken while driving through the intersection of Carp Rd. and March Rd. in the National Capital Region. It shows a roadside advertising board, in front of the town sign for the village of Carp, which reads "Wash Yer Mitts Lads" referring to the medical advise to wash your hands often to prevent the spread of the covid-19 virus. While other signs exist with similar sentiments, this sign is unique in that it is not visually associated with a business or public entity. Its lack of context gives the impression that it is a message from the community to its members rather than an advertisement or a public health announcement. What is more, the phrasing and spelling of the word "yer" emulates the slang and accent of the Ottawa Valley, further connecting it to the community in which it is situated and making it more lighthearted. While still a warning or admonishment to prevent the spread of the disease, this sign also pokes fun at the current situation in a very local manner.
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Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
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