You Shall Pass
Title (Dublin Core)
You Shall Pass
Description (Dublin Core)
The Hershey Company started having me work from home on March 17, 2020. I am a baker for the Hershey Company's baking products test kitchen. Since March I have been baking and working on recipes from home. In order to re-enter the building, I was required to take my temperature at home, photograph it, and present that photo to the security officer on duty. On April 7, 2020 I took a photograph of my temperature before leaving my house to restock my baking supplies from the test kitchen pantry. I presented this photo to security before filling out a health declaration form and signing into the building. Once I had been fully checked in I was able to collect the supplies I needed before signing out of the building. Since March 17th, I have only had to return to my work area twice to restock. Now Hershey has temperature check points that operate during specific windows of time and no longer requires employees to photograph their temperature. In this way, the Hershey Company has been able to accurately track employees in and out of the buildings in order to keep employees safe.
The image shows a closeup of a thermometer reading 97 degrees.
The image shows a closeup of a thermometer reading 97 degrees.
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