
Music: A Light During the Pandemic

Title (Dublin Core)

Music: A Light During the Pandemic

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This entry focuses on the transition to online learning in order to practice social distancing. Prior to the pandemic, I would have to wake up early to go to school. Then, I'd quickly run home after school, so that I would be punctual to my guitar lesson. As the tide has turned, this is no longer my reality. Now, I do online schooling and guitar lessons within the comfort of my own room, at any hour of the day. An hour of light-hearted life chats, bluesy riffs, and all sorts of musical banter relieves my good friend, guitar teacher, and myself of our quarantine blues. This is us, this is our quarantine lyfe.

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Personal photograph

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This item was submitted on May 27, 2020 by Melanie Abarca using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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