
Boarded up Bars in the Byward Market: the Aude Dubliner

Title (Dublin Core)

Boarded up Bars in the Byward Market: the Aude Dubliner

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Many establishments in the popular shopping, dining, and bar area of the Byward Market have boarded up their front windows with plywood to reduce the chance of robbery while they remain closed due to the pandemic and restrictions of gatherings.
While some remain plain, or are painted black, other establishments chose to hire muralists to liven up the natural wood with images related to vibe of each bar.
The Aude Dubliner Irish pub in the Market has some of its windows covered with murals depicting small items of significance for the pub in addition to plastered posters explaining the shut down. While there are more murals and posters around its corner, no photographs were taken out of respect for the homeless individuals taking advantage of the patio and overhang there as a place to sleep.
art, economy, business

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Boarded up Bars in the Byward Market: The Heart and Crown Murals Linked Data Interactive Resource
Boarded up Bars in the Byward Market: Heart and Crown Posters - Keep Calm Linked Data Interactive Resource

This item was submitted on May 28, 2020 by Hope Gresser using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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