Self-Isolation and Self-Reflection
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Self-Isolation and Self-Reflection
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It was all so sudden: we had just had our team banquet for basketball and we were getting ready to enter off-season, a time of having fun at practice and enjoying the time away from it with friends before summer comes along and the fun can truly begin. Then about a week after we got the email saying that in-class learning was to be postponed until after Spring Break. At first we were happy, like any student, not having to go to school and not having to practice. However that period stretched from the beginning of April to May, and then to the end of the school year, and now we don't even know if we're going to be able to return for the next school year like usual. It took away the practices that we usually have everyday, it took away the time I had to just grind it out with my teammates, with my brothers, it took away to get better and grow both individually and as a team. It's one of those things that you don't appreciate until it's taken away from you. It also has taken away the hope of coming back together for summer-league, as summer sports programs have been cancelled due to the pandemic. We may not even have a regular season. Then the hardship of not being able to go out and spend time with friends is something that I, along with many other people have to endure. It's painful to have to deal with, and many people are advocating for the end of quarantine. I'm not gonna say it's right or not, but I feel like it's only right to end it when it's deemed safe to do so, and we shouldn't try to rush it because it'll only hurt us more. Then the recent events of police brutality with the death of George Floyd has sparked uprisings by the black community and many others that support the movement. There are many sides to take in the controversy, and there are also many ways to go about dealing with it. Despite the conflicting opinions, I hope that we can resolve this without causing more harm than help.
Photo of Me Doing an At-Home Ball-Handling Exercise
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This item was submitted on May 31, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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