Cooped-up Gatineau residents flocking to new hobby: backyard chickens
Title (Dublin Core)
Cooped-up Gatineau residents flocking to new hobby: backyard chickens
Description (Dublin Core)
While Ottawa itself does not allow backyard chickens, its sister city of Gatineau, across the Ottawa/Outaouais River does. As with other locations, the pandemic has led to a spike in the raising of chickens. This can be attributed to the sense that people finally have the time to take care of the birds and a feeling that during difficult times the ability to be self-reliant and 'get back to basics' is safer than relying on supply chains and big stores.
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Publisher (Dublin Core)
CBC News Ottawa
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This item was submitted on June 9, 2020 by Hope Gresser using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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