
Fort Bragg Shut down

Title (Dublin Core)

Fort Bragg Shut down

Description (Dublin Core)

This is from when Fort Bragg first put out that they were switching to mission essential personnel for a few days.Little did we know that this would continue for the next few months.They would say in two week we will re-evaluate and then the time would pass and it would get moved back.My family was supposed to P.C.S. at this time and we were getting ready to sell our home and move where ever the army told us to go.However due to the Pandemic my husband's orders were cancelled.We did not know if they would be changed to a later date or if cancelled completely.This happened to many military families who were stuck in limbo for months as we saw daily updates further restricting our movements for an indefinite amount of time.Luckily we still had a steady paycheck from the military so did not suffer financially like many others did.
ASU, HST580,Military, Fort Bragg

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screen shot from Facebook page

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This item was submitted on June 11, 2020 by Alexis Walker using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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