
Couple Gets Engaged During North Carolina Protest

Title (Dublin Core)

Couple Gets Engaged During North Carolina Protest

Description (Dublin Core)

The country had many protests in June. Some were violent, but most were peaceful. There has never been such a large civil rights movement in our history.
One particularly touching story is the story of a man who admired his girlfriend's commitment and action so much, he knew that he wanted to marry her. I guess he was considering marriage because he happened to have a ring in his pocket. So he got down on one knee and asked the big question.
She said yes behind her face mask. She is pregnant and they call their child "Baby Batman" and plan to marry in September 2021.

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news article

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People Magazine

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This item was submitted on June 22, 2020 by Lyn Ribisi using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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