
Luna Loca Offers Take-Out During California's Shelter-In-Place Orders

Title (Dublin Core)

Luna Loca Offers Take-Out During California's Shelter-In-Place Orders

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Following Contra Costa County's shelter-in-place orders, local restaurants began offering take-out and delivery options to keep their businesses alive. Many believed this would be the solution to a short term problem only to quickly realize this would be the new reality for months. Danville residents were quick to support local businesses by purchasing gift cards and ordering take-out and delivery. This screenshot shows a photograph of the Mexican food restaurant, Luna Loca. Luna Loca has been in business in Danville, California for 40 years. It is difficult to see a local institution that is typically bustling with customers so quiet. Hopefully their efforts, combined with community support, will allow them to weather the storm of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Danville Social Instagram Account

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This item was submitted on June 25, 2020 by Shanna Gagnon using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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