Dining Out at Yard House. They Opened!
Title (Dublin Core)
Dining Out at Yard House. They Opened!
Description (Dublin Core)
The restaurants were all closed for in-store dining after 3 months! My husband and I decided to go and eat out for the first time in about the same amount of time.
We went to Yard House in Rancho Mirage. Every other booth was blocked off to ensure social distancing. The food was excellent, and it felt quite special.
One very weird aspect was that, since they are a sports bar, they were expected to show sports on the televisions that are all around the restaurant. Looking closer, I saw that they were playing games that were decades old. That was depressing and a reminder of the current state of the world.
We went to Yard House in Rancho Mirage. Every other booth was blocked off to ensure social distancing. The food was excellent, and it felt quite special.
One very weird aspect was that, since they are a sports bar, they were expected to show sports on the televisions that are all around the restaurant. Looking closer, I saw that they were playing games that were decades old. That was depressing and a reminder of the current state of the world.
Yardhouse, nosports, social distancing, diningout, restaurant, ranchomirage, California
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This item was submitted on July 8, 2020 by Lyn Ribisi using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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