COVID Share Your Story #RITtigers #3, Electrical Engineering Major's Point of view
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COVID Share Your Story #RITtigers #3, Electrical Engineering Major's Point of view
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Honestly it has been roughly mentally. Throughout my college years I have been dealing with identity crisis and deep rooted trauma from past experience that I have been ignoring until recently. I hated my major and other things were not going my way. This semester felt like the first semester where I was beginning to open to people and started to seriously seek help and face my problems. I started pursing the major that I wanted to and even applied to grad school for it and got accepted for it. I even met new friends who I didn’t need to pretend to act a certain way to be accepted. It is unfortunate that the current events happened as I felt that I wasn’t able to really build up those friendships as much as I could. I had to change my therapist sessions to online rather than in person and with the virus, I had to avoid people not only because I don’t want to spread the disease but also I have breathing issues that makes the disease even deadlier. It has been isolating and depressing. However, I am looking at the situation as a way to really focus on myself. I used people to distract myself from my problems so now I have to face them. I know I will become a stronger and happier person as I slowly face all my issues and I know I have people that care about me that I call on if I need help. Also I get to focus on my guitar and music hobbies more so that is also another plus. If I could give a message to myself at the start of this semester, what would I say? “You know that decision that you were second guessing yourself that night, just go for it because you don’t if you will have chance again later in the semester”
[This item was collected by Student Government as a response to their pitch "Share Your Story" sent out on Facebook and other media. Responses were gathered through an inter-campus survey mechanism. 23 responses were gathered.]
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