COVID Share Your Story #RITtigers #7, Civil Engineering Technology & Modern Applied Spanish Language Major's Point of view
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COVID Share Your Story #RITtigers #7, Civil Engineering Technology & Modern Applied Spanish Language Major's Point of view
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This semester was one of the best experiences that I have had so far at RIT because I had the opportunity to study abroad through an exchange program at Universidad Pontificia Comillas in Madrid, Spain. On the night of March 11th, I went out with a few friends that I met in Madrid. It was just like any other night, but at 2am local time, president Trump announced that he would be suspending all travel from the EU in two days time. While US citizens would still be able to return, I knew that my study abroad experience had come to an end within a matter of minutes. Hours later at 9am, I was on a plane headed to my home in New Jersey. This was a very difficult change to accept, but I know that it was necessary. Originally, I was devastated, but having been home for two weeks, I have spent more time with my family in these past few days than I have in years. Although we have lived together at times during my collegiate career, it was quarantine that brought us together to spend quality time. I am also able to finish my coursework online at my school in Spain, and they have been super accommodating for this adjustment period. While I obviously wish that this novel coronavirus had not spread throughout the globe and feel terrible for all of those touched by the pandemic, it has made me realize that it is important to try to find the positives in any situation, regardless of how bad it may seem at first. If I could give a message to myself at the start of this semester, what would I say? I would tell myself to truly cherish each and every second that you have to study abroad because even my originally planned four months trip to Spain seemed too short as it is, but the relationships that are made there are like no other.
[This item was collected by Student Government as a response to their pitch "Share Your Story" sent out on Facebook and other media. Responses were gathered through an inter-campus survey mechanism. 23 responses were gathered.]
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