COVID Share Your Story #RITtigers #12, Criminal Justice Major's Point of view
Title (Dublin Core)
COVID Share Your Story #RITtigers #12, Criminal Justice Major's Point of view
Description (Dublin Core)
With everything being cancelled and moved online. My capstone has been effected the most. My in person interviews were cancelled so I had to restructure my project and change some papers. I'm adjusting well to online methods because I've taken 10-15 online classed throughout my college career. The good things that have come out of this experience would be how understanding, supportive and accommodating my professors are. If I could give a message to myself at the start of this semester, what would I say? Get ahead early and push through until the end. You're so close.
[This item was collected by Student Government as a response to their pitch "Share Your Story" sent out on Facebook and other media. Responses were gathered through an inter-campus survey mechanism. 23 responses were gathered.]
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