COVID Share Your Story #RITtigers #13, Industrial Engineering BS & Sustainable Engineering ME Major's Point of view
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COVID Share Your Story #RITtigers #13, Industrial Engineering BS & Sustainable Engineering ME Major's Point of view
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As a result of COVID-19, there are two main pieces of my time in college that have been affected: my graduation ceremony and RIT's Relay For Life event. The lack of a graduation ceremony, as a first generation college student as well, has left my family and I a bit disappointed. We're trying to stay positive though, and are glad it's allowing me more time home with my Dad before I go off into the working world full-time. Relay For Life was the other large part of my life that has now changed. I'm one of the two event chairs in charge of organizing and planning the event, and after putting in a semester and a half of work spread among 28 people, we had to cancel the in-person event. However, considering that we still want to help the American Cancer Society as much as possible, our team is still working to plan a VIRTUAL event instead for April 20th-April 24th! This will be an opportunity for us to help test a relatively new event delivery method for the ACS, and it will provide guidance and knowledge that they can use in the future to better host virtual events in far more locales! If I could give a message to myself at the start of this semester, what would I say? Appreciate every moment that you're on campus, walking, talking, and hanging out with friends and peers. Make those memories last and stay positive, don't dwell on issues out of your control.
[This item was collected by Student Government as a response to their pitch "Share Your Story" sent out on Facebook and other media. Reponses were gathered through an inter-campus survey mechanism. 23 responses were gathered.]
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