COVID Share Your Story #RITtigers #17, Individualized Study (Educational Entertainment and Entrepreneurship) Major's Point of view
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COVID Share Your Story #RITtigers #17, Individualized Study (Educational Entertainment and Entrepreneurship) Major's Point of view
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I serendipitously switched to a personalized, all-online Bachelor's of Art and Science degree within RIT's School of Individualized Study directly prior to the North American outbreak of COVID-19, so I actually had the entirety of the semester to prepare for a remote workspace environment. I have spent the majority of my semester planning and operating the business, marketing, and development processes of my educational entertainment enterprise, Hypostatic Studios, as part of my Senior Capstone Project. Along the way I have experienced multiple obfuscations to my original production plan, as I have had to cancel travel arrangements to gaming conventions, lost a financially supportive game development instruction position with iD Tech's Spring Break Camps, and have had my project denied for face-to-face Customer Discovery interviews by RIT's Human Subjects Research Office (HSRO), completely eliminating any direct interpersonal interactions from the crucial startup phase of my business. The experience of dealing with COVID-19 actually benefits the foundational online solidarity of my company, which I would eventually prefer to remote via remote operations for in the future of our studio's development. Overall the COVID-19 outbreak has proven a source of anxiety and increasingly complex rearrangements of social and corporate operation, however our company is still strong and we are adapting to the paradigm shifts with continued perseverance. In the coming months we will be presenting our primary project "A Perfect Year" to several investors, including the New York Business Plan Competition, while attempting to network with the scientific researchers who discovered Water Memory and Extraction Zone Water, two concepts integral to our didactic efforts, with whom we were fortunate enough to make a connection with during the singular week of instruction work I was able to complete before the quarantine. So it has been an exciting and unnerving time, but Hypostatic Studios will continue to march forward towards the wanton delights of the unknown, and shall return victorious to share all the many fruits of our didactic digital labors! If I could give a message to myself at the start of this semester, what would I say? Don't worry about unexpected disruptions to your personal plan - they are obstacles in a game, the demons which must be dealt with as in any RPG, and provide opportunities for redemption and an ultimate award of glory! - "Think Outside The Self"
[This item was collected by Student Government as a response to their pitch "Share Your Story" sent out on Facebook and other media. Reponses were gathered through an inter-campus survey mechanism. 23 responses were gathered.]
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