
COVID Share Your Story #RITtigers #20, Biomedical Engineering Major's Point of view

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COVID Share Your Story #RITtigers #20, Biomedical Engineering Major's Point of view

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Well not having graduation, not being able to finish out college with the clubs and friends from the past 5 years. I've adjusted by getting closer to my best friends I made here. The good things have been I've gotten a lot of time to reflect on what I want out of my life. If I could give a message to myself at the start of this semester, what would I say? Be happy. Do things that make you happy. Take time and cherish the friends around you as much as you can.
[This item was collected by Student Government as a response to their pitch "Share Your Story" sent out on Facebook and other media. Reponses were gathered through an inter-campus survey mechanism. 23 responses were gathered.]

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