Summer School Selfie
Title (Dublin Core)
Summer School Selfie
Description (Dublin Core)
Did you even teach summer school if you didn't take a selfie? At the end of our 3 week in person summer school our principal ordered in food for all of the staff. There weren't many of us so we were able to share a meal together while still maintaining proper social distancing. This was the only time that we didn't have to wear a face covering of any sort. I remember how relieved I was when that day ended because I was tired of teaching summer school. But as we are beginning our year online I now miss those days because I got to interact with students in person rather than on a computer screen. The districts near us just decided to remain online until Ocotober 1, 2020 and I have a feeling that a similar decision will be made in my district as well.
ASU, HST580, summer school, social distance, teacher, student, middle school, NSDOnline, LoneStar
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This item was submitted on August 13, 2020 by Morgan Keena using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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