
Californian skies turn orange as wildfires rage

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Californian skies turn orange as wildfires rage

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My uncle has owned a body shop in San Francisco, California, for over twenty-five years. Covid slowed down business a bit since people were not driving as much, as if Covid wasn't bad enough though, they are now dealing with all the fires in the area. Being a Los Angeles native, I know wildfires are not uncommon. It is unusual to see the amount of fire happening simultaneously. It seems like the whole state is up in flames. The air quality is almost unbearable, there are blankets of ash coving homes and cars and raining from the sky. The sky is orange and firefighters struggle to keep these wildfires under control. All this craziness amidst a global pandemic.

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This item was submitted on September 11, 2020 by Angelica Ramos using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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