
Keeping Traditions: Students Shift to Virtual Events During a Global Pandemic

Title (Dublin Core)

Keeping Traditions: Students Shift to Virtual Events During a Global Pandemic

Description (Dublin Core)

The post is on the St Mary’s student life Instagram page and contains an image of an electronic flyer/bulletin announcement. It is a post to announce an Instagram live stream for St. Mary’s students where there will be cooking lessons, trivia, study tips, DIY projects, Spirit Dress contest, gift cards giveaways and more. Just like how St. Mary's students would use this platform to announce things such a trivia night at the pub on campus, they began to use it to announce online events. This item shows how universities and organizations have had to adapt in order to keep going with their extracurricular activities and traditions that students look forward too. They have always worked hard to keep the student entertained and give them things to do outside of class, however, with COVID, they've had to be more creative and think of activities to do on any online platforms such as Zoom, or in this case, an Instagram live stream. In the end, it is important to try and keep the fun activities and traditions alive and going so that the students can feel as though, even though things are being done on online platforms instead of in person like before, their academic years are still filled with the exiting activities and things they love about being a student.

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#CoverYourFangs>Keeping in Touch

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This item was submitted on October 17, 2020 by Hailey Rodriguez using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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