
What Keeps Me Sane

Title (Dublin Core)

What Keeps Me Sane

Description (Dublin Core)

Between working in a grocery store, and doing class work, I find myself busy and often stressed. I am lucky enough to have a partner, two cats and other luxuries that help me relax and relieve my anxieties. I included an older picture of myself and my partner, my switch, and my cats Wobbles (grey) and Jade (black). Having these distractions in my life have definitely made the pandemic a little more manageable. These things, along with my partner, help me count my blessings and appreciate what I have and have been able to hold on to during these anxious and stressful times.

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#CoverYourFangs>This is Sick

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This item was submitted on November 17, 2020 by Mikel Baxter using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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