
A Students New Desk During Covid-19

Title (Dublin Core)

A Students New Desk During Covid-19

Description (Dublin Core)

This is my desk that I would attend my online classes from. This is definitely different from the normal desks or tables I’m familiar with or anyone student is. This is different also because you don’t have to choose where to sit in the class. Do you sit up front, in the middle or the back of the class? With online classes every student is front and center on their screen. When coming to class I would be almost uncomfortable having to takes notes in such a small area to don’t disturb the student on your left or right. With your own desk you have the freedom to spread out a feel comfortable with taking notes.

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#CoverYourFangs>Commuting and First-Year Students

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This item was submitted on November 18, 2020 by Aaron Jaramillo using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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