
Rhetoric and Composition class has to adjust quickly to online teaching


Title (Dublin Core)

Rhetoric and Composition class has to adjust quickly to online teaching

Description (Dublin Core)

Before spring break in March 2020, our rhetoric class was very discussion and in-person interaction-based. When we were told that our classes would be moved to online for the rest of the semester Professor Delgado was the first professor that I got an email from. His email made me feel reassured that the transition was going to relatively easy. This email represented a professor acting fast to ease the worries of their students.

PDF of the emails sent from Professor Derek Delgado

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#CoverYourFangs>From Face-to-Face to Zoom

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This item was submitted on November 21, 2020 by Bianca-Rhae Jacquez using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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