Voluntary Isolation Motel EMT
Title (Dublin Core)
Voluntary Isolation Motel EMT
Description (Dublin Core)
Several counties across Oregon have coordinated with local motels to establish voluntary isolation shelters in an attempt to curb the spread of COVID-19. Each location is staffed with city personnel to manage admittance and discharge, while EMTs on staff conduct routine medical monitoring to patients. My boyfriend works in one of these shelters, and sent me this picture of him in his full PPE getup before making morning rounds. The shelter's capacity varies a lot week by week, and anywhere from 1-20 COVID positive patients may be staying there at any given point. This particular motel intakes prisoners who need to do a 2 week quarantine before being released, but also serves non-incarcerated people who have tested positive.
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This item was submitted on November 29, 2020 by Kelly Lindemann using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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