
What I think about the rules and procedures I have to follow

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What I think about the rules and procedures I have to follow

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The masks are the worst, but the other rules are o.k. I HATE wearing the masks all the time. The weirdest rule is the one that says we can't play wind instruments inside, as the only 2 instruments that would be a hazard would be the clarinets, because they are straight with no curves in the tubing. All the other instruments have areas where all the spit collects that are below the bell (opening) of the instrument. The likelihood of "dangerous" spit coming out is almost 0, especially for bassoon, and most brass instruments. There was one time where I asked the kid next to me to feel the inside of the boot one the long joint side (I play bassoon), and he was hesitant at first, but then he felt it, and THERE WAS NO SPIT! IT WAS NOT WET! The other side, however, is different story, but that is to be expected as all the spit travels through there, and gets stuck at the very bottom of the boot.

Another one I think is absurd is the whole plexiglass-between-the-cashier-and-the-customer-rule, as it is supposed to prevent the transfer of Covid, but the cashier touches everything that the customer is buying. So it is practically useless.

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This item was submitted on January 19, 2021 by Burke Weston using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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