
"The American Rescue Plan Act – the largest bump in child care funding since World War II."

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"The American Rescue Plan Act – the largest bump in child care funding since World War II."

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The pandemic has created an increasing issue in employment rates, and those with children to care for have continued to struggle. "Black and Brown women have lost the most economically, and women in general have been forced to leave the workforce." These women are forced to sacrifice even more just to have basic child care. Hopefully, the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) can help financially support these families and services with "nearly $4Billion in child care funding" headed California's way.

These funds are being split into two categories. One is towards the child care industry (including staff salaries, safety practices, and supplies), while the other is towards families and child care providers.

The legislators are aiming to provide more equal policies and services to all Californians. It's in no way going to solve everyone's child care problems, but it's a start.

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This item was submitted on March 21, 2021 by Fitria Hardono using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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