
My dad’s COVID-19 vaccine story

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My dad’s COVID-19 vaccine story

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“As a frontline essential worker the COVID-19 journey has brought on a mix of experiences, emotions and impacts. The rollout of vaccines has been a welcome scenario as it brings some optimism to an otherwise bleak two years. If nothing else it signals a move towards turning the tide in the pandemic and enabling us to chart a course to recovery and reopening returning some sense of normalcy to our lives. Having been vaccinated certainly gives me more confidence in being able to fulfill my duties without constantly worrying about the possibility of infection from others and worrying about bringing the virus home. It by no means makes me think I don’t have to still be vigilant in employing proper personal protective measures, but does allow me to move forward.”
My dad currently is working as a CBSA (Canada Border Services Agency) officer in Calgary, I recently asked him to write down his experience of being vaccinated and ultimately how he feels about the whole ordeal. I’ve chosen this article for the archive as it represents the reality of being vaccinated. That while you may no longer be susceptible to the virus, you can still carry and transmit it. Meaning while a small amount of anxiety certainly disappeared, the threat of infection, and the practices used to mitigate it did not disappear with the rollout of the vaccine in Canada.

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This item was submitted on April 4, 2021 by Padraic Cohen using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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