
Believing In The Youth

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Believing In The Youth

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I participate in youth programs to get my voice heard.
Highline Teens,Believe In The You(th) March
Throughout the pandemic, New York City had been on a lockdown never seen before. There was a constant rotation of cycling through the news and streaming services. Years later from now future generations will be wondering what life in this pandemic was like and will look for artifacts that explain things that were happening during this time. An artifact that can be shown is the virtual flyer posted to the Highline Teens Staff page. The flyer was for their Believe in You(th) Event. The event was supposed to be according to the flyer a celebration of liberation at a time where the nation was in mortal peril.

The Highline Teens are a group of New York City teens consisting of teens from freshmans all the way to college students. Majority of the teens live or go to school in the area however some of the staff are from other boroughs (the Highline is located in the Chelsea area of Manhattan). They spend their time planning events in the park with this year's being the first virtual event. Majority of the year they spend their time attending other teen events in the city, discussing issues that are important to them and relevant to the world, and learning to connect with each other. According to them doing all of these things help them take into account what they feel is needed to be seen in the world. The reason I found out about this is because my cousin is a part of the Teen Staff at the Highline. We discussed the importance of safe places like this that were needed in this pandemic and why I attended the event.

The flyer had many aspects that made it visually appealing. The words were in a mint dark green with hues of green used for the background. On top of that it has a photo of some staff of the Highline Teens and a vague but somewhat in depth explanation of what would be happening. The most important part that stood out was zoom. Zoom had become an occurrence in everyone’s lives and that was a major thing emphasized in the flyer. It was a zoom event aimed towards teens but also older generations. It was an event to give the power back to teens. The goal of the flyers was to build up anticipation for the event. Up until then the event, we were told that we would have special guests but never met them until the event.The Teen Staff played into people’s fears of not missing out that it gained a wide audience for the event.

There were also various variations of this poster. Each one had quotes from the teen staff highlighting their statements to the question, “I march because…” Why was this the prompt they were answering? That lies in what was seen throughout this pandemic and why this flyer stood out. There was constant civil unrest and racial injustice with murders of various black people. You could tell that this was the driving force behind the posters and overall this event. When I went to the event, I saw why this event was important and a cultural reset. It was Generation Z, a generation that has seen violence, economic destruction, climate injustice , and so much more taking back their power. They mobilized and decided that they needed to take back control of a world and a society in crisis.
Undergrad majoring in Dietetics and Nutrition.

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personal essay

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NYC Cultural Affairs

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