
Graduating Without the Pomp: Students, parents push back against virtual and drive-through graduation ceremonies

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Graduating Without the Pomp: Students, parents push back against virtual and drive-through graduation ceremonies

Description (Dublin Core)

My oldest daughter is now a senior in high school, and she is still pretty upset that she didn’t get to have a junior prom. She understands that in the context of everything happening in the world, it’s not the most important or most tragic thing that could happen, but it still stings. For many students, it’s the milestones like prom and graduation that make the whole four years worthwhile. If the milestones that high school students look forward to can’t be held, it can affect them deeply. As schools closed and Covid-19 became a fixture in our everyday lives, school events like sports, proms, and graduations went away. Some schools held virtual graduations featuring videos and speeches over Zoom. Others attempted to maintain an atmosphere of celebration by holding drive-up graduations with decorated cars and parking lots. However, many students and parents were upset by this change. While this is understandable, most school districts prioritized the health and safety of students, families, and staff over having an in-person ceremony. This article helps to capture some of the frustrations seniors expressed in 2020 when their hopes of walking the stage and receiving their diploma seemed to vanish overnight.

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ABC 15

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This item was submitted on March 27, 2022 by Jessica Parvan Pike using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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