
M&M Taste Test!!!

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M&M Taste Test!!!
Picture at our home

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As a parent of young kids I find myself feeling very guilty that my kids are missing their friends and all the activities they were supposed to be doing. We seem to be compensating a bit with extra desserts! However we try to make more of a fun game of it and enjoy the time together as a family. We bought 5 different types of m&m’s for Father’s Day and we did a fun taste test to see what we liked best and worst. The kids enjoyed it and it will remind me of the creative sugar fun we had while we spend so much time at home!!
Picture at our home.
#safeway, #dessert, #mandm, #home #sweet, #family, #happy, #sanfranciscobayarea

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This item was submitted on June 22, 2020 by Erin Olsen using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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